JUDICIARY Latest Features

Nearly 900 Sign Up for Plea Bargaining at Kampala Remand Prison

At least 883 inmates from three prisons have taken part in a week-long Plea Bargaining Prison Camp at Luzira Prisons Complex. 

According to the Registrar Magistrates Affairs and Data Management and Judiciary, HW James Ereemye Mawanda, 778 were from Kampala Remand, 62 from Murchison Bay and43 from Luzira Women’s Prisons. 

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo, said the numbers the numbers are commendable. But quickly added that those enrolling should do so out of remorse because of their guilt and not being compelled because of varying circumstances. 

She also emphasized the need for fairness by all justice actors as well as accused persons taking into account the interests of the victim.

HW Ereemye reassured the DPP that inmates had been sensitized on what Plea Bargaining entails both by Judicial Officers and the ODPP team. He reiterated the commitment of the Judiciary to ensure that justice is served. 

Assistant Commissioner Prisons, ACP Christopher Okware too thanked the Judiciary for introducing the initiative and also encouraged the prisoners to embrace it. "I am kindly requesting more prisoners to embrace this initiative because it reduces on congestion in prisons and time spent in court," he said.

The OC Kampala Remand Prisons, Mr. Ernest Nabasa observed that last year, the Camp registered 622 inmates and was optimistic that the number of those enrolling would increase.  

The Deputy Registrar Magistrate Affairs and Data Management, HW Jessica Chemeri with a team of different judicial officers from 12 participating courts, Ms Margaret Nakigudde, focal Plea Bargaining Officer at the ODPP the OC Upper Prison, Mr. Brian Mbaziira, OC Murchison Bay, Mr. Herbert Kaheru were some of the justice actors present at the Camp. 

Posted 12th, October 2023
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